Results of the XI Call (2004-2005)

Best Pure or Applied Geophysical Doctoral Thesis
“Estructura cortical de la zona de transición entre los Pirineos y la Cordillera Cantábrica”
Author: Don David Pedreira Rodríguez

SPECIAL MENTION, in OPTION A, to the Thesis::
“Análisis del campo geomagnético en la Antártida a través de datos de superficie y de satélite”
Author: Don Luis R. Gaya-Piqué

Best End of Degree Project
“Condicionantes reológicos de la sismicidad cortical en Béticas-Rif y Alborán”
Author: Don Fermín Fernández Ibáñez

Best investigation work or application in Geophysics, made by titleholders in Ibero-American Universities
There was no winner because of absence of aspirants in this point